Thursday, March 12, 2009

Alta-tude Adjustment

So we couldn't afford our usual mega trip out West this year, but Sara snuck way to see Collen in SLC for a long weekend. A major knee injury put a dampor on skiing full force, but I did dominate the beginner and intermediate areas. Alta has a cool deal where you can ski the beginner area for free after 3pm (take note Sugarloaf) so I was able to test the bum leg before rippin' all day Sunday (Do NOT tell my PT or Ortho doc). Had a great time chillin' with Coll, Jarrod, and Smarion. The airline lost my luggage on the way home, but I am getting use to that. I also got use to getting searced at the airports since I kept setting off the metal detector with my knee brace. It was a great trip for SURE!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So Justin passed his last two Paramedic practical exams on Friday. Now he just has the written to do and he will be officially done. The practicals were a huge weight because of the pressure involved. Having another professional breathing down your neck critiquing you is never fun. The written will be somewhat less stressful. Once that is over I am sure he/we will be ready for a new challenge.

Knee Injury...yet again

So I had a nice three day weekend finally planned and we got about a foot and a half of snow. I WAS PUMPED. On my third or fourth run on Saturday I caught an edge in a duff of powder and took a head over heals tumble. I hyperextended my knee and got a ride to the hospital by my personal EMT (soon to be Paramedic). My director at work (my personal PT) thinks I sprained my ACL and my knee cap is out of positon. I have been constantly icing and doing some strengthening to get things back to normal. It almost looks normal too. I WILL BE BACK ON SKIS!