Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reggae '09

OMG what a Reggae this year. Kate came from Telluride and surprised us with Little Dave. SO COOL!!! It made the whole weekend. Conor and Kathy came up and made it all complete (minus Big Dave of course). We spent the weekend eating, drinking and reuniting. It felt good to have family back for a short while and we can only hope next time it is for longer ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We are all the more safer...

Farva is now a Paramedic! He nailed his written test on the first go around and all he has to do is send in the official paperwork to the state to get his license. There has already been some celebrating, but I am sure we will turn up the juice when Kate and Chaos get here from Colorado on Thursday!!!!