Friday, November 21, 2008


This morning my best friend Cassie (aka Cassarole)was called to doggie heaven. She didn't suffer at all and for that I am greatful. Cassie had become my mom's faithful companion ever since I went away to college, but she and I always had a special bond. Growing up my mom had a Chiuaua that my dad bought her. She was cute but, that dog never liked me because I accidently pushed her down the stairs when I was a baby so Cassie was really the first true blue companion I have had. She was 12 and still as active as ever (must be from hanging out with my 62 year old mother who still Ski Patrols) so she has lived a good life. I know she will be chasing her ball or relaxing by the fire in her Sno Dundah in the sky.


Unknown said...

we are very sad to hear about the loss of cassie! chaos will miss his little (big) friend...

Colleen Shea said...

so sorry to hear about cassie! love & miss you!